Burning MP3 Programs to CD

How To Burn To CD

The information below explains how to put mp3 files on a CD after they are downloaded. There are a number of good software programs that burn CDs such as Roxio Creator and Nero, or the free Microsoft Media Player.

Below Is Information On How To Burn CDs From Mp3 Files Using Media Player.

First. Download the latest version of Media Player and information at this link: www. Microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player

Second. Make sure you are using the correct kind of discs. Some CD players will only read CD-R disks and will not read the CD-RW discs. This is very important and an easy mistake to make.Here are the Media Player instructions:

1. Select Library from the top of the window. 2. Then File-Open and browse to the downloaded file and select it. 3. Then select Now Playing in the Playlist menu on the left of the window. The file name should now appear under the title heading in the middle of the window. 4. Select Pause(middle button on the dashboard) at the bottom if it begins to play.

5. Next, select the down arrow that is under the word Burn at the top toolbar. A pop-up menu will appear and make sure that AUDIO CD is selected (it will have a bullet beside it)

6. Select BURN. A Burn window will pop up to the right side of the Media Player window. Select the title of the song you want to burn from the list and drag it to the Burn List. Once it is in the burn list (you can do more than one) then select Start Burn at the bottom of the window and insert a disc and it should take off.

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